Christopher Columbus High School

A Catholic School for Young Men in the Marist Tradition since 1958

Columbus Connects Career Services

Opportunities Exclusively for CCHS Alumni

Whether you are exploring a new career, looking for a professional network to join, or seeking an alumni business, Christopher Columbus High School is committed to helping you achieve your professional goals.

We are proud to introduce our new Alumni Career Services web page which features a number of resources and job opportunities exclusively for Columbus alumni.  It also offers essential information that alumni can use to succeed in today’s increasingly, hyper-competitive job market.  We encourage all our alumni to take advantage of this valuable resource. 

Help with Mentoring & Job Search
Considering a career change? Just getting started? Need help with your resume or a big interview? Mentoring services are available to assist with the next step in your career plans. The Columbus Connects Mentoring Program will partner you with a fellow Explorer with experience in your field of interest. Additionally, we have various part-time and full-time time job opportunities available for Explorers.  See the list below. We can also help young alumni looking for internship opportunities.

Explorers, this is a tool specifically FOR YOU that houses opportunities from employers looking to hire YOU!
Looking to Hire an Explorer?
Through this online tool, Columbus alumni can:
  • see part-time and full-time jobs opportunities
  • sign up for the Mentorship Program
  • update his contact information
  • stay connected with the overall Columbus Connects Program
A hallmark of the Columbus community is our commitment to help one another. Our dedicated alumni base of 15,000+ regularly gives their time and expertise to make a positive difference in the lives of fellow Explorers. For more information, contact our Alumni Office.

Does your organization recruit students for externships (high school students) and internships (college students)? Email Colleen Anderson, our Director of Externships & Internships, to find out how she can help you get connected to young Explorers.


List of 2 members.

  • Photo of Vivian Cue

    Mrs. Vivian Cue 

    Alumni Relations Manager
    ext. 2242
  • Photo of Marisa Ramunas

    Ms. Marisa Ramunas 

    Strategic Initiatives Manager
    ext. 2228

Alumni Professional Groups

CLAS - Columbus Lawyers Alumni Society
Contact is Hugo Alvarez '91,

CAFÉ - Columbus Accounting & Finance Executives
Contact is Nelson Hernandez '03,

CBA - Columbus Builders Association
Contact is Christopher Utrera '03,

CREP - Columbus Real Estate Professionals
Contact is RJ Sanchez de Varona '81,

CTIP - Columbus Technology & Innovation Professionals
Contact is Gaston Sanchez '91,

CHEERS - Columbus Hospitality Entertainment Event Restaurant Society
Contact is Kevin Testa '95,

CHAMP - Columbus Healthcare & Allied Medical Professionals
Contact is Nelson Hernandez '03,

Christopher Columbus High School | 3000 SW 87 Avenue | Miami, FL 33165 | (305) 223-5650
Brotherhood, Faith, and Scholarship define the Marist Brothers Catholic education at Christopher Columbus High School.  By making Jesus Christ known and loved and creating an inspiring academic and extracurricular environment, we prepare young men for higher learning and a life-long commitment to leadership and service through Gospel and Marist values.

Columbus is fully accredited by Cognia and is a member of the Marist Association of Secondary schools, the National Catholic Education Association and the Independent Schools of South Florida.